Anything to comment??? :
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:30:00 AM
A new life begin..

Yeah..there are two days to be countdown for the reaching year 2009..New year means a new life to begin and a future to be plan..Haha..am I crapping? I wish I can do everything better in the year 2009..Well..What I WANT and HOPE for the year of 2009? I want a wonderful lifestyle..I want work part time jobs coz..I want money and I need $$$..I want new 3G handphone..I want new printer..I want new car..(P/s: I know is too much)..I want cgpa increase in this new semester..I want my family members stay happy and healthy everyday..and of course lastly that I hope I can meet a caring and loving partner la..Haha..How I wish for all of it..Please make it realistic..Thanks god..blekss..