Anything to comment??? :
Friday, February 27, 2009 9:01:00 PM
The legend story of egg fried rice..

Nah..show and proof the picture of it la..Make sure your saliva stop leaking ya..
The best egg fried rice in sg.long some even said in batam..hehe..
Syok leh..look delicious leh!!! Dunno where is Sg.long??? Don't worry..there is a free transport take you to this place..When you saw a white kancil car passing by your area..faster stop it..the driver will officially bring you this authenthic place..to eat this superb "egg fried rice"..but but but..I've forgotten the plate number of the kancil..I think is something like WQQ 7xxx..clue-got two yellow spongebob pillow hanging in front the car seat..haha..*OMG..kena belasah soon..so scary*
Unfortunately, if you manage to reach sg.long..most probably you can't get to eat this superb "egg fried rice"..Must depends on the chef mood whether she wanted to prepare for or not..wahaha..but if you got palate luck, then definitely can taste it la..that's why I said is priceless..
Anyway, is just a common food among those others fried rice..but why they give all these crazy-wacky response after ate it..
See their respond towards the fried rice:
WHY??? WHY all this respond??? The answer is: There is a potential chef la..abuthen???
TU---> Chef Choi..:p Such a nice name!!!

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