Anything to comment??? :
Friday, July 24, 2009 12:23:00 AM
It doesn't Make Sense
Hmm..took me 15 minutes to think about the title for this post..well..here another random me~
I'm suppose to start my assignment an hour ago..but you know what??? Unfortunately, I ended up with this- IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE *Roar*
Puiyee..she..wasted time again..God, Please help her out!!!..*slap..slap*..Wake up girl~~
Puiyee..she..wasted time again..God, Please help her out!!!..*slap..slap*..Wake up girl~~
And the conversation in between me and the President will be as following: (I love day dreaming in a meantime..haha..)
Me: Oh..Your Majesty..Cheers..(what a crap..)
President: Cheers..well..well..well..is this Cappuccino or Latte???
Me: Oh..Your Majesty..its Capuccino add with less sugar and more cream..
President: Well..what a good taste..
Me: *ahem*..*ahem*..*ahem*..*Yuck..Cappuccino with less sugar and more cream a good taste???* *bad taste man you~*
- Sorry, I have no idea what am I crapping..I guess the end..*slap..slap*..wake up lar..-
2.) Coming Saturday gonna watch Ice age 3..I'm the late comers..I know..who cares???