Anything to comment??? :
Friday, August 28, 2009 1:20:00 AM
Happy Birthday to Me~
....how should I start this entry?
Where should I start? And how I’m gonna start it..haha..
Yeap..27th August is my birthday..erm erm..or should I use "was" my birthday..haha..duhh whatever..and I just back from the celebration..and its ady 1.20am now..told myself that I need to blog about it..since it is still fresh from my memory..I gotta feeling that tonight gonna be a good night~~a sond dedicated to myself from black eyed peas..:P
Oya..to those who haven’t wish me..what I can said more is “ faster wish me la”..what a crap..haha..(ignore me..being pissed off)
Alright..seriously what I want to say is “ I got a blast celebration this year”..I can feel the enjoyable moment and I really appreciate it..thanks to all my friends..especially my groupmates and not forgotten others special friends too..(Thanks to Vinci and Joanne too..I just read you guys blog entries..thanks for the phone call wishes..)
Well..I’m not goin too detail about this birthday entry(cos gonna blog about it again later once I get all those nice photos ya)..Lastly, what I want to say again is “ A billion thanks to all my friends..thank you thank you x10000000..I really really enjoy that moment..THANKs”
Best wishes from Puiyee..