Anything to comment??? :
Friday, December 26, 2008 11:56:00 PM
Nothing's gonna change my love for you..

Hmm..after gap for more than one weeks only update my blog..I know is a bit late..But I'm sorry..cause recently there are lots of sad things happened towards me..Do u guys listen before Lee hom new album? A song called "Heartbeat"..YUP..that song quite meaningful..and that song seems like looking toward my feeling..I can't put everything down in this short moment..its happened too suddenly..and and and ..What should I do? What can I do? Can someone please tell me..mm.mm..heartbeat!!! :C
So come on..lets listen to this song! No Regret of it!
Anything to comment??? :
Thursday, December 4, 2008 1:04:00 AM
My first timer-I am blogger..
Yo..yo..yo..1st time ler..haha..I'm so excited..after viewing pages by pages of my friend's blogs..it was pretty interesting and I decided to have an own personal blog..woohoo~~While, just wanna share my little life time n experience here..
So don't cha wish ur gf was..hehe..sorry was listening to this song..feel like wanted to sing along.."Dont cha"-by The Pussycat dolls..lalala..hey this is a freaky nice song okaayyy..
Anyway..I got no idea what to write upon now..let me think and refresh my mind 1st..stay tuned to my next blog..tada~~~
Here's my brief introduction about me:
Name: Puiyee
D.O.B: 27/8/1987
Age: 22 (2009)
Horoscope: Virgo
Current location: Taman Melawati, KL
Relationship status: Single and Available
Currently Pursuing: Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting (3rd Year)
Language (In Order): Mandarin, English, Cantonese, Hakka, Bahasa Malysia
Favourite Colour: White and Yellow
Personality: Friendly and Outgoing