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Friday, January 23, 2009 6:53:00 PM
Corporate weblog..*ahem*

Let me explain what's the meaning of corporate blogs..haha..after did some research..I would like to talk about it now..*ahem*
A corporate weblog is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. The advantage of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structured conversation threads. Currently, all major browsers (including Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 7) support RSS technology, which enables readers to easily read recent posts without actually visiting the blog, which is very useful for low-volume blogs. Although there are many different types of corporate blogs, most can be categorized as either external or internal. An internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them. The informal nature of blogs may encourage like employee participation, free discussion of issues, collective intelligent, direct communication between various layers of an organization and a sense of community. Next, internal blogs may be used in lieu of meetings and e-mail discussions, and can be especially useful when the people involved are in different locations, or have conflicting schedules. Blogs may also allow individuals who otherwise would not have been aware of or invited to participate in a discussion to contribute their expertise. While, for external blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services (or the end of old products), to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain issues. It also allows a window to the company culture and is often treated more informally than traditional press releases, though a corporate blog often tries to accomplish similar goals as press releases do. In some corporate blogs, all posts go through a review before they're posted. Some corporate blogs, but not all, allow comments to be made to the posts. External corporate blogs, by their very nature, are biased, though they can also offer a more honest and direct view than traditional communication channels. Nevertheless, they remain public relations tools. Certain corporate blogs have a very high number of subscribers. The official Google Blog is currently in the Technorati top 50 listing among all blogs worldwide.
So how was my explaination? Good leh? Fantastic leh? Wahaha..of course la..
(P/s: Copy and paste de..paise..paise..^.^) Anyway might be focus on this "corporate blogs" as our thesis and research project..What do you think? Unique? Mr.Yap said is interesting and unique..Thanks for my groupmates-Kevin, Lizzie and WWL ideas..nga ku..nga ku..
Let me explain what's the meaning of corporate blogs..haha..after did some research..I would like to talk about it now..*ahem*
A corporate weblog is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. The advantage of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structured conversation threads. Currently, all major browsers (including Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 7) support RSS technology, which enables readers to easily read recent posts without actually visiting the blog, which is very useful for low-volume blogs. Although there are many different types of corporate blogs, most can be categorized as either external or internal. An internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them. The informal nature of blogs may encourage like employee participation, free discussion of issues, collective intelligent, direct communication between various layers of an organization and a sense of community. Next, internal blogs may be used in lieu of meetings and e-mail discussions, and can be especially useful when the people involved are in different locations, or have conflicting schedules. Blogs may also allow individuals who otherwise would not have been aware of or invited to participate in a discussion to contribute their expertise. While, for external blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services (or the end of old products), to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain issues. It also allows a window to the company culture and is often treated more informally than traditional press releases, though a corporate blog often tries to accomplish similar goals as press releases do. In some corporate blogs, all posts go through a review before they're posted. Some corporate blogs, but not all, allow comments to be made to the posts. External corporate blogs, by their very nature, are biased, though they can also offer a more honest and direct view than traditional communication channels. Nevertheless, they remain public relations tools. Certain corporate blogs have a very high number of subscribers. The official Google Blog is currently in the Technorati top 50 listing among all blogs worldwide.
So how was my explaination? Good leh? Fantastic leh? Wahaha..of course la..
(P/s: Copy and paste de..paise..paise..^.^) Anyway might be focus on this "corporate blogs" as our thesis and research project..What do you think? Unique? Mr.Yap said is interesting and unique..Thanks for my groupmates-Kevin, Lizzie and WWL ideas..nga ku..nga ku..
Anything to comment??? :
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:02:00 PM
Tired semester..
Huh..kinda lazy to write blog today..cause recently very busy with my research project..Since this year is my final year..probably not a honeymoon year la..And yet research topic title still considering..think of doing E-commerce as our research topic..but then haven't specify which area we should cover about..1 year research OMG..I really tak boleh tahan already..Now like only the second week, finding relevant article also facing problem..I can't survive anymore..I'm very tired la..really..really..How I hope there is 25hours a day..extra 1 hour for me ady satisfy..mm..mm..
Anything to comment??? :
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:34:00 PM
Precious Moment
As what I said yesterday, today I'm gonna meet my secondary classmate right?
Yeap..we did meet up..and is really glad to see her again after 3years..OMG 3years..actually not to said that we ady lost contact la..cause we chat thru msn with each other sometime..but then we rarely find a suitable time to meet up..well..well..well..we meet up FINALLY..do you know that kinda of feeling?? Really awesomely..haha..and why 3years only we meet up..cause she will be leaving to Australia on 29th Jan..thats why we plan to meet up before she leaving..
Yup..she is my secondary classmate and we used to be in the same class during form 4 and form 5 that time..actually there is 1 more kaki friend geh..but then she haven't back to M'sia so mai cant join us lo..3 of us used to hang around together that oldies time..haha..kinda missed it!!!
I told her " OMG..nitha I've been so long din't speak english..and now I'm like not really used to it..haha..not so fluent liao" Do you know why?? That time I used to speak english during school time la..cause most of my friends dunno mandarin..and I rarely talked to them english lo..haha..as you know la..I love "broken english" very much, which means got "la"..lalala..
Hmm..was so fun to chat with her..and we keep on chatting our old past time and giggling at the same time..like---tht XXX change a lot ya..*giggling*..tht XXX is so miang she act like bit_h now..*giggling again*..do you know tht XXX got crush on XXX before..*giggling*..you know la girls talk..hehe..but is really enjoy that moment..can refresh my mind of the golden past memories..
Anyway, take care nitha..Miss you always~~^.^
(p/s: Regret la..forgot to take pic..aikss..aikss..nvm see whether I can grab 1 of her picture or not..hehe)
or maybe can have a look here-->http://profiles.friendster.com/4569615
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Monday, January 19, 2009 10:59:00 PM
Random la..stay tuned~~

CNY shopping trip on 14/1/09-thought of
wanna blog bout this..but I'm too lazy..
sorry la..hehe
So boring,,nothing to do..
and also nothing to blog in..
so just post a few simple picture of mine..
muahahaha..stay tuned~~
Oya..tomolo gonna meet my secondary classmate..Its been a very long long time didn't meet her ady..I think got 3 years..haha..too excited..anyway just stay tuned~~
Have a nice day
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10:42:00 PM

Astro on demand gotta new release drama right.." I DO"..
Yup thats the song title of the drama which I would like to recommend you guys..
属于By Fish leong..translate into mandarin means " BELONG"..not "we belong together-Mariah Carey" ya..haha..
Here's the lyrics of the song..is really freaky nice.. no regret!!!
属于 - 梁静茹
填词:陈没 作曲:鸦片丹
我坚持的 都值得坚持吗
我所相信的 就是真的吗
如果我敢追求 我就敢拥有吗
而如果 都算了 不要呢
或许吧 或许我永远都不会遇见他
或许吧 或许我太天真了吧
属于我的昨天之前的结局 我决定我的决定
属于我的明天之后的憧憬 我迷信我的迷信
属于我们点点滴滴的伤心 我们要各自忘记
属于我们闪闪发亮的爱情 我们再一起努力
属于风的 那就去飞翔吧
属于海洋的 那就汹涌吧
属于我们的爱 该来的 就来吧
为什么 不敢呢 不要呢
是他吧 命中早就注定了的那个他
是他吧 他原来就在这里啊
属于我的昨天之前的结局 我决定我的决定
属于我的明天之后的憧憬 我迷信我的迷信
属于我们点点滴滴的伤心 我们要各自忘记
属于我们闪闪发亮的爱情 我们再一起努力
属于我的昨天之前的结局 我决定我的决定
属于我的明天之后的憧憬 我迷信我的迷信
属于我们点点滴滴的伤心 我们要各自忘记
属于我们闪闪发亮的爱情 我们再一起努力
属于我们点点滴滴的伤心 我们要各自忘记
属于我们闪闪发亮的爱情 我们还要努力
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9:53:00 PM
Continue for the AWESOME PART 2..
Oya..Awesome got part 1 and part 2..and today i'm gonna continue my part 2 la..haha..
okayy..that day after taken korean food as our dinner then we continue our next station..hehe..
Although is damn full=fool that day..but too bad la..we haven't finish enjoyed our day ma..haha..
Our next station is " Red Island cafe"..you guys heard bout this cafe ma? Okla..I don't feel like mention where this cafe situated..just check it out yourself!!!
OMG..I tell you hor..is a lousy cafe lo..and also steal the copyright of "Oldtown White Coffee"..hehe..I mean "copy cat" la..cause it just look alike..I mean the drink..people got coffee then they also got coffee..*crapping again*-nanti kena belasah..
The waiters there very funny and make me speechless..like when I wanna order drinks hor..one of the bangladesh waiter asked for my IC number..WTH??? Drink a glass of honey lemon also need IC ma? Rupa-rupanya..ID member..cheh..haha..you know la those bangladesh waiter dunno how to pronounce properly ma..Wow..cafe also got membership wan meh???BTW..we just can't stop laughing after that incident..It JUST Funny la..
Below is the picture we took..oya to tell you that the honey lemon drink..ice cubes terlalu banyak lo..just have a look those picture!!!
" my lovely mak"
"ice cubes honey lemon"
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Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:23:00 PM
Awesome-Part 1
While, today I'm goin to post something which is quite interesting..I mean for me la..haha..Do you guys heard before this korean B.B.Q reataurant called " Doa Rea Garden"..Yup..I just visited this restaurant a few days ago..which is the day before yesterday..haha..I know is a bit late if I post it now..but..but..I'm sorry..I just a bit busy this week..Please forgive me la..^.^
Anyway..this restaurant is situated in Desa Sri Hartamas..where is a quite authentic place to eat..due to their comfortable and clean environment, and of course their food is super-duper yummy..While this is the second time I went to this korea restaurant..and why I went the second time?? Of course the food there is nice la..Abothen?? haha..*crapping again*
Ok..lets make it short and simple..
First, we entered the restaurant la..the restaurant is place in the second floor..
Then, they will great us " Angyohaseiyo"..
Then, of course we have to answer/great them back la..*self-manner*..hehe
Then, they will bring us to the place which suitable for..
Ok, next menu will be serve and just order what you feel to eat..
So, we decided to order two types of BBQ which are marinated meat and pork..
Then, we just need to wait a few minutes and they will on the spot grill or have some kinda of live show grilling the BBQ meat for us..
AHEM..Yup thts the time of show time start..
So, lets the pictures to have some talk wif it..
After grilled
Marinated meat
So how was it? Awesome leh..haha..So why not stop at this station to enjoy your meal..
Contact Detail:
Korean BBQ Restaurant DAORAE GARDEN (Tel : 03-6203-2616)
No.9, 1st Floor, Plaza Crystal Ville Center,
Jalan 23/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas,