Anything to comment??? :
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 11:11:00 PM
Unexpectedly outing..
Okaayy.. This is a quick update..today went to Sushi King for lunch..OMG.. Here to tell you that never ever go to The Mines branch..the service over there is..one word I can describe it– Ridiculous..huh..nothing to talk much about there..the more I talk, the more my tempered going up to 40▫C..(P/S: eh..wait..I’m talking meh??? I’m typing la..haha..)
After taken lunch, thought of wanna go back and start revision for our friday test exam de..but dunno why we ended up to visit those show house unit in Sg.Long..haha..see see see..anyway there are lots of show unit..especially Semi-D and exclusive bungalow..OMG..all the interior design in the show unit..damn attractive!!! Awesome..Geezzzz..What I can say is “ WAH” when I went in to each house there..keep blinking my eyes..haha..Anyway we manage to snap some photos although is not allowed..
One of the exclusive bungalow show house's living hall..

Sg. Long is not a good location to buy house in..why??? haha..I got a new “pantun” wanna dedicated to..try to understand ya..hehe..
After taken lunch, thought of wanna go back and start revision for our friday test exam de..but dunno why we ended up to visit those show house unit in Sg.Long..haha..see see see..anyway there are lots of show unit..especially Semi-D and exclusive bungalow..OMG..all the interior design in the show unit..damn attractive!!! Awesome..Geezzzz..What I can say is “ WAH” when I went in to each house there..keep blinking my eyes..haha..Anyway we manage to snap some photos although is not allowed..
Tol-tol bina di depan rumah,
Tiap-tiap hari kena bayar,
Pergi makan angin pun susah,
Baik kurung di rumah jangan keluar,
Arghh….wa mau keluar dari ini daerah,
Lebih baik pindah ke Zoo Negara,
Tiap-tiap hari kena bayar,
Pergi makan angin pun susah,
Baik kurung di rumah jangan keluar,
Arghh….wa mau keluar dari ini daerah,
Lebih baik pindah ke Zoo Negara,
Aikss, terlalu sakit hatinya wa,
Tolonglah wa..tolonglah wa..