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Thursday, April 23, 2009 2:23:00 PM
Death Lizard found..
Gosh..death lizard found in my house..and it's already dried up..pity lizard..aikss..come check it out how I found it..
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2:19:00 PM
Just for self entertainment..
Its random again..
Which one better/nicer??? Cacating myself..duhhh..
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009 2:46:00 PM
Motosikal 2.0 version..
I love this show Motosikal 2.0 version very much..especially the host for this show Danny boy..Haha..he is so funny..I like the way he act, the way he host,the outgoing of him..he is really cute and adorable..what a crap..I'm extremly enjoy to watch it..definetely I will catch up this show every Sunday at 6pm, Astro AEC..Oh ya..I like this weekly highlight which is on 10 Jan 2009 weekly highlight..it gave me a good impression on this show..just like it..haha..alright I'm waiting for this week highlight again..cheers my idol..
Take a look for the below photos, I adopted from his blog..haha..:p

I like this week highlight..a tradisional mak cik..using her nose to blow the "seruling"..she is cool.. 

See..see..see..OMG..he is so cute..muahaha..

Ok..thats enough for the picture of him..stay tune for his show..
Now my photo session..ok..see this picture scary hor..duhhh..
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Monday, April 20, 2009 11:11:00 PM
An unusual eye make up..
Okay..make it short and brief enough..
Hmm..ok..today I'm gonna show you a sarcastic one..an unusual eye make up done by my creative friends..Anyway I extremly like this too~~what a creativivity one..muahaha..Ok Thanks and Bye..(Mariah Carey=Bye bye..lalala) 
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Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:37:00 PM
BRAND'S Essence of Chicken in Tablets Range-The brand new one..
Oh..ya..I just noticed that there is the new one of "BRAND Essence Chicken which is in Tablets Range"..what a crap..haha..Anyway I prefer the tablet one..it makes me easy to swallow compare to the liquid drink..;p make sense??? Duhh..

To interpret your score:
18 or less You may be underweight for your height.
19 to 24 This is reckoned to be the "healthy" zone. A BMI in this range usually means less risk of the weight-related problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
25 to 29 This is reckoned to be the "overweight" zone. A BMI in this range usually means a moderate risk of weight-related health problems.
30 and above This is reckoned to be the "obese" range. A BMI within this range usually means a high risk of weight-related health problems.
19 to 24 This is reckoned to be the "healthy" zone. A BMI in this range usually means less risk of the weight-related problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
25 to 29 This is reckoned to be the "overweight" zone. A BMI in this range usually means a moderate risk of weight-related health problems.
30 and above This is reckoned to be the "obese" range. A BMI within this range usually means a high risk of weight-related health problems.
Wow cool..am considered in HEALTHY zone..hehe..
Photos to share with..I found this when I was searching some pictures in my messy file folder..
Both these pictures took it when I'm using SE K500i during the good old days..what a crap..haha..hey that time I bought it was like kinda cool and quite expensive you know..I bought original la..duhh..hmm..I miss the second picture which the one with a fringe cut last year (my eye bag very the teruk that time)..I miss my cute fringe cut la..lalala..and also I love the other picture of mine..that picture is the best I captured using SE K500i that time..I miss you SE K500i..what a crap..another a lame post..sorry..hehe..
Both these pictures took it when I'm using SE K500i during the good old days..what a crap..haha..hey that time I bought it was like kinda cool and quite expensive you know..I bought original la..duhh..hmm..I miss the second picture which the one with a fringe cut last year (my eye bag very the teruk that time)..I miss my cute fringe cut la..lalala..and also I love the other picture of mine..that picture is the best I captured using SE K500i that time..I miss you SE K500i..what a crap..another a lame post..sorry..hehe..
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Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:05:00 PM
I love exam~~
This is what I search from google-How to prepare for an exam??? I already summarize it..hehe..
1. Attend every lecture. (Duhh..what do you think??)
2. Take good notes during the lecture.
3. Every day before lecture class, review the material for 15-20 minutes.
4. Spend another 20-30 minutes after lecture class going through over the notes.
5. Once a week, review the material/notes in order to get a more complete overview of the information.
6. Literally plan out how many hours you will spend each day studying until the exam. Make a schedule and stick with it.
7. Work with others (group study), go to review sessions, seek for your tutor/lecturer/professor if confuse while doing revision. This is important to make sure that everything is clearly understood as it is crucial during an examination.
8. Never study the last minutes. (This is what I did always..most probably you guys too..haha)
9. Get enough sleep before the exam day. (what??? How to get enough sleep..I should burn midnight oil instead of get enough sleep over there..)
What a crap??? Oh..I wanna add on something to the above..
10. Drink "BRAND'S CHICKEN ESSENCE" in order to reduce your anxiety, improve your mental power and boots energy..this is what I saw in TV advertisement..hehe..which I think probably it will helpful during preparation of exam..especially for those who facing short-term memory to memorize for the exam..haha..Can click on this-->Effects of chicken extract-BRAND'S on the recovery from fatigue caused by mental workload
BRAND'S chicken essence..What a crap..haha..10. Drink "BRAND'S CHICKEN ESSENCE" in order to reduce your anxiety, improve your mental power and boots energy..this is what I saw in TV advertisement..hehe..which I think probably it will helpful during preparation of exam..especially for those who facing short-term memory to memorize for the exam..haha..Can click on this-->Effects of chicken extract-BRAND'S on the recovery from fatigue caused by mental workload

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Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:49:00 PM
Sushi King Member day..
Sushi king member day is here again…and today is the last day of it..so definitely ME=the sushi big fans will take this opportunity “TELAN” all la..duhh..RM2 only..so the cheap..what a crap??? Well, as usual..for sure there are crowded everywhere..after waiting for 20 minutes..yeap..finally we can enjoy it!!!
Lazy to write so detail la..Just take a look our photos..hehe..
Puiyee said: " Lizzie you are so the SUSHI=Sexy"..:p
For sure..you guys miss him so much..yeah..he is randomly blog's model..finally I fire him..eh..eh..is hire..hehe..

And lastly, this is what we have ate..bow wow wow!!!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:37:00 PM
Healthy Brunch..
Huh..kinda boring today..skipped class and feel bored in home..what a crap???
I should study for coming exam..unfortunately the lazy me still lepaking in front of my lovely laptop..;p
OKok..I swear to myself after this post I will start my revision..hehe..
OKok..I swear to myself after this post I will start my revision..hehe..
Ok..this is a lame post again..
This is what I ate for my brunch..I make it myself..woohoo~~
2 loaf of gardenia raisin breads, 3 pieces of Jacob biscuits, an omega fried egg and a glass of Milo(not cup ya)..tada~~..healthy leh..no oil..no cholesterol..no fat (P/S: trying to relief myself..saying that no fat, no cholesterol bla bla bla..)..hey these really really make you full..hehe..hmm..how I wish I could lost 1kg today..hehe..what a crap???Okok..random picture again..I just love camwhore around before outing~~
Oh..shitt..ignore the background..a messy desk of mine..hehe..-
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12:01:00 PM
Sepang Gold Coast (7/4/09)
Arghh..don't care anymore..I want to update my blog la..addicted to it..ignore my previos post saying that May/June will be back la..What a crap??? But still I will seldom update la..;p
Teehee~~~Sepang Gold Coast have you guys heard it before? Yeap..definetely is a beach location in Bagan Lalang..duhh..it's about 40++km to reach there from KL..
Well, the Sepang Gold coast site still on-going development which comprising luxurious sea villas called the Golden Palm Tree Water villas. The villas will be spread out over the waters in the shape of a palm tree which a concept similar to the one in Dubai. (P/s: Failed to snap some photos for this Palm Tree Water Villas because is still under construction)
Hmm..I'm kinda enjoyed that day..flying a kite in within 10minutes time (coz the kite stuck on a tree..the lousy us flying a kite..haha..), jumping around the seaside in order to capture nice jumping monkey pose like us..and so on la..
Here are some pictures follow by us:
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Monday, April 6, 2009 10:43:00 PM
Will be back around May/June~~
Take a leave..or should I said "Take a break, Take a kit-kat"..instead??? Haha..
Yup..I will not update my blog till May/June..
Reason: Exam is around..I should focus more on that..I wanna be a good student..What a crap??? Haha..duhh..
Kla..just wish me good luck in everthing la..see ya soon..take care and have a nice day!!!
(P/S: Got time just visit my previous post..all is interesting..since I already blog so much ever when I started blogging last year..)
Add Oil+Good luck Puiyee~~~:p
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Friday, April 3, 2009 9:23:00 PM
It's Randomly..
Is Random again..haha..I know I kinda randomly..thats why my blog named as "Random+Ly" ..What the lame one..huh..
Today went shopping at KLCC and Pavillion..
I lazy to write in detail la..forgive ya..haha..
This is what we took for lunch- Madam Kwan Restaurant, cafe..
Below are the food we ordered:
OK..thats all for today..bye..I wanna take supper now..hehe..my father waiting me downstair..he so noisy..aikss..have a nice day everyone!!!
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12:34:00 AM
A movie - "Knowing"

Yup..that day went for a movie – Knowing - starring by Nicholas Cage..this movie can considered nice la..
Starting first, I thought is a horror movie..because is like quite mystery..but then finally only find out that movie is actually about disaster incident which we can’t escape from..ok..what I explain here maybe you guys won’t understand/ambigous la..so just make it short way..Puiyee said: “ Just go and watch la~~~enjoy!!!”
I love Nicholas Cage~~~tada~~~He is so MAN!!!..Abuthen??? hey..yup..he definitely is a man..duhh???what the crap???..Bravo Nicholas Cage!!!
For further information..Click on this-->Knowing Movie Review
OK..The end..Oya..I planning to watch “Fast & Furious 4" soon..
(P/S: This is specially dedicated to siput berlausai-We want Nichlolas Cage forever!!! Muahaha..see speechless already leh..Wong family and Choi Puiyee support Nicholas Cage..see see see..bleksss..)
(P/S: This is specially dedicated to siput berlausai-We want Nichlolas Cage forever!!! Muahaha..see speechless already leh..Wong family and Choi Puiyee support Nicholas Cage..see see see..bleksss..)
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Thursday, April 2, 2009 12:08:00 AM
Hi..hi..is me again..Geez??? theeee…heee…okay this have given an inspire to me..so I’m gonna blog it by now..see..see..guess..guess..what is that??? Ahah..can’t guess it??? Aiksss..so lousy la you guys..
Yup..is a gift from my aunt (mother’s side)..yeap..it is all the way from USA..courier postage from my aunt in USA..muahaha.. “ angkat kepala and hidung tinggi- tinggi..heeeemmmmmmm!!!!