Anything to comment??? :
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:01:00 PM
Sepang Gold Coast (7/4/09)
Arghh..don't care anymore..I want to update my blog la..addicted to it..ignore my previos post saying that May/June will be back la..What a crap??? But still I will seldom update la..;p
Teehee~~~Sepang Gold Coast have you guys heard it before? Yeap..definetely is a beach location in Bagan Lalang..duhh..it's about 40++km to reach there from KL..
Well, the Sepang Gold coast site still on-going development which comprising luxurious sea villas called the Golden Palm Tree Water villas. The villas will be spread out over the waters in the shape of a palm tree which a concept similar to the one in Dubai. (P/s: Failed to snap some photos for this Palm Tree Water Villas because is still under construction)
Hmm..I'm kinda enjoyed that day..flying a kite in within 10minutes time (coz the kite stuck on a tree..the lousy us flying a kite..haha..), jumping around the seaside in order to capture nice jumping monkey pose like us..and so on la..
Here are some pictures follow by us: