Thursday, April 2, 2009 12:08:00 AM
Teeee...heeeeeeee~~~ me again..Geez??? theeee…heee…okay this have given an inspire to I’m gonna blog it by now..see..see..guess..guess..what is that??? Ahah..can’t guess it??? lousy la you guys.. 
A handbag from Coach..Coach!!!!...WTH!!! Yaya..don’t be jealous it is belong to me..and it is a gift for me..okaaayy..calm down la friends.. a gift from my aunt (mother’s side) is all the way from USA..courier postage from my aunt in USA..muahaha.. “ angkat kepala and hidung tinggi- tinggi..heeeemmmmmmm!!!!
Anyway I look mature if bring it around..since already age 22..aiksss..We should act mature la right..muahaha..okaay..enough enough..*cough cough*..I think this bag cost around RM200-RM300++ if buy it in Malaysia.. luckily my aunt bought in will cost cheaper compare the price here consumer..Nevertheless, I’ll prefer more if that bag is the sling one..yeap it will be looking great and casual design..But never mind I still like it very the the the MUCH..appreciate it..Thank you my dear aunt..Muakss..looking forward to meet her soon..take care..muaksss..muaksss..