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9:03:00 PM
Another Korean world..
Here we went again..another round of Korean food..haha..I'm crazy on it..too bad..한국 음식 정말 좋은..Alright, this time we went to this Korean Restaurant- BonGa..which is situated in Solaris Mont Kiara..Well,today I would like to teach the steps of eating yummy Korean BBQ..I know is quite silly..but for those who also love Korean food then you should seriously learn from me..*claps claps for myself*..thank you thank you..ahem..Here are the step of eating Korean BBQ (let my model to show on it):
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Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:10:00 PM
Korea, Closer than You Imagine
Yup..today went for this " Korea, Closer than You Imagine " event..is really really nice and fun.. Through this awesome event, I get to know Korea culture and their history more..is pretty interesting and very the enjoy that moment..well..I manage to get some photos and gonna share it here..

This is the Kwang-Hwa-Mun ..which is the symbolistic place of the Korean history..The Korean word “Mun” means gate or door, so Kwang-hwa-mun is means the “Kwang-hwa Gate”. It's in the north central part of downtown of Korea..
Alright, now the Korean foods..actually is just a sample on it..yup..my favourite part..haha..
Kimchi a traditional Korean pickled dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings..Its most common manifestation is the spicy variety..Kimchi is also a side dish. .As what my lovely mak told me, " Kimchi is an important food in Korea, they cannot live without it, life is shit without Kimchi..Korean usually marinate Kimchi in winter season because winter is a season to tanam bai cai which means plant vegetables.." Haha..what a crap..but is also quite reasonable and meaningful to me..thanks to my Mamakmeegoreng..
Gujeolpan refers to either an elaborate Korean dish which consisting of nine different foods assorted on a wooden plate with nine divided sections in an octagon shape..The name is comprised of three hanja words: gu (구, "nine" ), jeol (절, "section"), and pan (판, "plate") in Korean..Foods are separated by color and ingredients, and comprise various seasoned leaf vegetables, meats, mushrooms, and seafood items..In the center of the tray is a stack of small Korean style pancakes made with wheat flour, which are called miljeonbyeong (밀전병).. In addition to its use as a food platter used to serve many dishes of food at once, gujeolpan is also considered a decorative item..
Argh...this is my favourite..if you noticed my previous Korean food blog, I will always order this when I visit Korean Restaurant..is just yummy..Bibimbap is a popular Korean dish..its actually means mixed rice or mixed meal..Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with seasoned vegetables and chili pepper paste and a raw or fried egg and sliced meat are common additions. The ingredients are stirred together thoroughly just before eating..
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Saturday, May 16, 2009 9:24:00 PM
Such a Jerk..
This song-Poker face by Lady gaga suppose to be nice..but with that jerk appears in that stupid MV..OMG..what I can said is that ladyboy spoilt everything on it..jerky and idiot la..
( P/S: I accidentally click on this video, but supposed to click on the officially MV..what a crap..I got no appetite already..*vomit* )
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Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:07:00 PM
Don't mess up with me..
Okay..to be honest la..currently I am really busy..eventhough there is a long holiday for me..but I really busy la..see see see..after exam, I suppose to clean up my room..is really dusty..and also messy to me la..
Those are the three places that I suppose to clean up:
My study table which is full of uni notes and something not related..as you can see..haha..since is already end of exam and those notes I just put it like this on it..don;t you think is a kind of creative decoration..muahaha..and also like whatever I just bought will throw on it..eh..eh..not to said throw la..put it properly on this desk la..haha..what a crap..is easier my life ma..whatever just throw on it..Not to waste my time, here am going to introduce a new member in my family..tada..the cute little fluffy puppy " Lucas "..
This is what I currently busy with..see see non stop moving here and there..make my life EASIER with him..what a crap..ciaoZZZ..OMG..he pipi and pupu here again..Dettol please..*rub rub*
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9:19:00 PM
Korean food fever~~
Here again we went for korean food today..the same restaurant " Dao Rea B.B.Q ".. Oya this time will be less photos compare to last time ya.. haha..because I'm too hungry..rushing to eat..and cut down the photography session..I'm sorry..hehe..what a crap..
Oya..there will be an event - Korea, Closer than You Imagine..and I'm going to attend for it next thursday (21st May 2009)..for those who is interesting on it..can read it below:

It is free admission..so for those who is interested on it..hope to see you guys there soon..cheers..
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Monday, May 11, 2009 8:16:00 PM
Tada~~I'm here..
Hola..I'm in holiday mood now..woohoo..
Okla..here another simple and the very quick update..hoho..too bad la..I'm rushing for my favourite show la..thats why I rarely update now..
Let the photos to talk bout it..
Here we went for celebration after our freaky effort exam end..
Steamboat at Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Sg.Long..
Boiling the egg while steamboating..2 in 1..
Ok..now this I took it by myself..nice or not?? Give some comment la..paise..paise..