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10:07:00 PM
Hulu Langat
Right after class..went to
----> Hulu Langat-Thai Fish Farm Restaurant for lunch---> the place-awesome *you don't even know there is such an awesome restaurant available there, the place quite hard to find la*..food-99% delicious, 1% less is for the next rating to add when I visit again..haha..oya..to tell that I ate 2 bowl of rice..and one of my friend ate 2.5 rice..see see see..definetely considered nice food la..the important is the rice is free to add on..wah!!!
----> After lunch, we decided have a walk at " Look out point" as it is quite near to the restaurant there..*do some exercises after taken 2 bowl of rice*
Oh..this is the 1st time I eat Thai food..is really really nice and affordable..planning to go again next time..
I am the poor blogger..I've forgot to take the food pictures..after half-way eat only realize..*Oopss..food pictures ah..arghhhh!!!* forgive me..haha..this means that the food we ordered attractive la..duhh..
Here some random picture of us..

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Monday, June 29, 2009 10:32:00 PM
Give up

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12:18:00 AM
I love poem..
-Standing Alone-
I can see the flower upon which my life grows, blooming into a rose.
See the hope and courage in the strength of the petals.
As long as I am, I will be.
The flower will never wilt or die.
As my life grows back, I shall become strong.
I shall become only dependent on one.
That one will be me.
I will rise with my petals high.
My life as a flower will bloom and prosper as I grow.
I may not be the pick of the patch, but I am just as beautiful as the rest.
I will stand as one, but not a lonely soul.
The tears will be far from my smile.
I love this poem..is really meaningful..
(P/S: 人生一去不回头, 珍惜所有爱你的人)
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Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:55:00 PM
MJ Pop forever..
Short and simple:
1. Transformer 2 is really cool..I personally like Tyrese Gibson who plays Robert Epps as the U.S. Air Force Combat Controller and a member of NEST..hehe..he is so man!!! Megan Fox got the sexy + nice boobs..
2. Never ever enter this shop KBS-Korean Beauty Square..is sucks..and they are liars..and finally I bought BB cream from Etude House..*happy*
3. Also bought MJ DVD album..teehee~~
Carl's Jr. as our dinner..yummy..
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11:37:00 AM
Transformer am coming..
Fa la la la la...am gonna be crazy..alright..will blog bout it later..Gimme gimme more..gimme more~~~
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12:06:00 AM
HOw to dance..Gimme more~~
Crazy all the night for that day..I been watching this video for more than 15 times I guess..is really really funny..OMG..siput kantoi..you guys are the best couple dancer ever..my eyes oso berputih juling-juling ady..what language is that..haha..I love this video..enjoy it!!!!
GiMMe More background music..
LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..LOL..tak boleh tahan ady..my mouth painful and tiring..
(P/S: WWL voice very bising..and mei mei keep on laughing there..both of them are noisy..hehe..)
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009 10:52:00 PM
PD Trip (19/06/09 - 20/06/09)
Alright, here am I with the PD updates as I promised few days ago..There will be in Part 1 and 2..gonna be a lots and lots of pictures cos too many photos we have taken..haha..Anyway, all these photos taken by one of the best photographer in Sg.Long-Forest Green and some even said in PJ or Cameron highlands-dunno what ngaku park or strawberry park..ah..whatever..In order to make it long and simple..let the photos to talk about our long journey..:p Hooray~~~321 its begin..
PART 2-The Scene of PD..using Sony @200..awesome???

(P/S: Kantoi Ngaku park..or dunno what strawberry park..macam mana those photos??? Look like mine right..don't envy me la..I understand ur feeling..muahahahahahahahaha~~~~~~come to Honeymoon villa..we snap photos at there..hahahahahha~~~I'm gonna crazy!!!)
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Monday, June 22, 2009 8:21:00 PM
Ok..here an quick update before I gonna start my assignment la..hehe..
I admit that I'm getting even darker+dull+choco+blackie+bla bla bla..darker..why??? Went to trip at Port Dickson-the most famous beach in 80 century..hehe..what a crap..hey..to tell u that..not bad la..water is quite clean as we thought..really!!!
After back to home..*crap*..OMG..I tak boleh tahan leh..stand in front of the mirror, notice that myself lagi darker..u know la..my skin tone previously ady dark and dull..this time I lagi speechlees..So, what can I do??? The next day fai fai when to Watson and bought this..the new moisture cream for my face.. " Tanaka White " from Bio essence..anyway I spotted it for a long time..cos is really costly to me..
Oya..gonna talk bout the PD trip soon..haven't get all those pretty photos yet..still at my friends place..I only got some now la..maybe to show you guys a bit bit..hehe..Cya..tomorrow gonna be a long day to me..cheers everyone..
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:00:00 PM
Sony A200~~~
Here are some random photos taken using Sony A200..is really awesome..we beginner even proud of it..haha..take a look..

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12:04:00 AM
Again here I'm so touch..after reading my lovely soulmate/buddy/jimui 's blog..arghh..whatever and ever..as long as I know her since form 3..and we know each others for 7 years..wow..so want to know who is she??? tuu...Shinyin...you guys really need to read up her blog..is really meaningful and touch after i read about it..I saw those gift I gave her a very long time ago..and is like miles year ago but she still keep it..wow..thats really cool..no worry my dear..am still keeping yours too..
Oya..if you guys feel to know how we meet up/know each others..then just visit her blog..definetely her blog will talk bout it more detail..haha..
I still remembered how we laughed/giggled in front of a teacher "Pakcik Goh", his yummy delicious way licking his yummy tasty "biji bei si"..haha..everytime I refresh my mind think about it..will laugh cunningly..really funny la AH MAK~~~hahaha...aiksss..i really miss those days..
Oya and also the slogan of " Hi, everyone..we are twins..I m twins geh ah sa..I m twins geh ah qiu..we want to yam shui now.."..haha..what a crap..
and also the moment we 1st time ponteng went to sing k..and accidentally saw who??? wah..so adventourous ya!!!
and we celebrated urs 19 years old birthday in whose rumah???..me and weezi visit ur house..suprise leh..how our spagehetti and cakes??? yummy and tasty like "Pakcik Goh.."??? haha..
and we also celebrated Xmas together..eat, walk, chat, shop, and exchange gift to each other..wow..sound like couple doing stuff..but no we are not couple..we are just the BEST SOULMATES, BEST JI MUI, BEST PARTNER, BEST CHICKs forever and ever..haha..
and the MCdonald incident..still remembered??? dunno who cried in that such a crowded place..giving speech to siapa??? huh...aikss..big girls don't cry ma by FERGIE..
and wow..so many many many..extremly BANYAK more..I really appreaciate a friend like you..MUakss..Muakss..Muakss..Muakss..
Ei, why suddenly I so touch har??? what have you do to me??? Waste my time here only, is time for me to prepare tutorial works la..stop here..bye bye..TEEHEE~~~
Here some random photo I managed to find from my PC..haha..take a look on how her physical and mentally change on..
