Anything to comment??? :
Monday, June 22, 2009 8:21:00 PM
Ok..here an quick update before I gonna start my assignment la..hehe..
I admit that I'm getting even darker+dull+choco+blackie+bla bla bla..darker..why??? Went to trip at Port Dickson-the most famous beach in 80 century..hehe..what a crap..hey..to tell u that..not bad la..water is quite clean as we thought..really!!!
After back to home..*crap*..OMG..I tak boleh tahan leh..stand in front of the mirror, notice that myself lagi darker..u know la..my skin tone previously ady dark and dull..this time I lagi speechlees..So, what can I do??? The next day fai fai when to Watson and bought this..the new moisture cream for my face.. " Tanaka White " from Bio essence..anyway I spotted it for a long time..cos is really costly to me..
Oya..gonna talk bout the PD trip soon..haven't get all those pretty photos yet..still at my friends place..I only got some now la..maybe to show you guys a bit bit..hehe..Cya..tomorrow gonna be a long day to me..cheers everyone..