Just came back from Sg.Wang, Pavillion, and Times Square..its been a long time I went there last time..haha..well, went there to meet secondary friends..sing k, watch movie, eat, chit-chat..thats was our activities..alright, this movie "Drag me to hell" is kinda freaky scary, horror, scream like shit (what a crap), close one eyes even both eyes (too scary), tiring or painful to watch (cos you will keep on thinking what scene gonna scared you the next or keep on using hand to cover eyes..thats me la..scared but wanted to watch the scary scene so much..), disgusting, bloody, nice, awesome movie..if you dare urself then you should really watch it..The plot of this movie is pretty interesting from the beginning until the end and also easy to understand. There is plenty of humour in this movie but the minute it wants to get scary or disturbing, it does without any hesitation. You really get some effective jumps. It is about a young woman being targeted by a demon after some incident la..check it out yourself la..haha..what I can said is really have to catch this horror movie..its never dissapointed..full of scary scene with a touch of humour..REALLY!!! ITS REALLY..BEWARE!!! and I dunno why suddenly I'm in love with horror movie..muahaha..
Here the movie trailer..I tell you..you should watch the whole story..here not enough de...Oya I want to watch night at the museum 2 and transformer..bless me can watch soon..and is time to bed now..Goodnight puiyee:p