Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:50:00 PM
Oopss..previous update..MATA..
I feel to blog bout this..cos I got nice picture..what a crap..Last sunday, again went to PD wif my dad and sis..to visit relatives over there due to personal reason la..haha..*secret*..Mmm..I can only smell beach as we didn't stop by the beach.. cos my dad rushing back home to watch his favourite channel-astro sports-Badminton competition..his idola is "Dato Lee Chong Wei"..*sweat*..
Curi take a picture of my dad while he was driving..cool leh..*actually he is talking on the phone.."ooi..papa got mata ahh in front"..what a rude me..*
what am I doing while on the way..busy camwhore la..duhh..you see even seat belt also took off..*mata ah...mata ah..mataaaaaa ah..my dad bising over there..* FYI, mata=police..what a crap..oya can see my mata??? nope u can't see cos am wearing lalat punya mata..hehe..*sweat*
This also curi took geh..see she very busy wif her phone behind..playing wif her phone game..I wonder what so nice bout the game..*wei..mata ahh..don't play behind la..seat belt please..got mata..ARGGH..Mata..*