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Monday, July 27, 2009 11:14:00 PM
Milwaukee Steak Corner
Here another Makan post~~
There we went for a steak as our lunch..-Restaurant Milwaukee Steak Corner-this place mainly served with great western food..The restaurant consists of two levels, the air-conditioned which situated second floor and open-style at the main floor.. According to the waiteress, the menu of these two levels are not same..definetly the good environment with air-conditioning more expensive and more choices..
Milwaukee Steak CornerNo 13G,
Jalan Kasturi 1,Plaza Kasturi, Off Jln Balakong,
43200 Cheras Selangor.
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Sunday, July 26, 2009 1:14:00 AM
Fa la la~
Exhausted..Extreamly tired..lets make it short and simple AGAIN~~
Went for the Ice age 3 movie today..but quite dissapointed la..since is a comedy movie and lots of my fds saying that very funny bla bla bla..fa la la..but I don't think so..rated so-so only la..maybe I put too high expectation on it..haha..too bad~
As usual..after movie session, lunch in Pavillion, walk around, tea time, then headed to Genting Kelang for a steamboat gathering with TA friends..(no picture for steamboat session cos everyone was sweating like hell that time..refuse to take picture..exspecially me..I look sucks in photos..rain heavily on my forehead+oily face..and I got no idea why..*sweat*)

And this listed in menu as "Cinderella"..it taste like ice blended sour plum..*yuck*..its freaky sour..rate: 6/10
Me and Chui Theng (one of my TA friend)..funny + talkactive girl..I tak boleh tahan her sometime..*hanging white flag*
Tea time at J'Co..their ice blended chocolate quite nice..

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Friday, July 24, 2009 12:23:00 AM
It doesn't Make Sense
Hmm..took me 15 minutes to think about the title for this post..well..here another random me~
I'm suppose to start my assignment an hour ago..but you know what??? Unfortunately, I ended up with this- IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE *Roar*
Puiyee..she..wasted time again..God, Please help her out!!!..*slap..slap*..Wake up girl~~
Puiyee..she..wasted time again..God, Please help her out!!!..*slap..slap*..Wake up girl~~
And the conversation in between me and the President will be as following: (I love day dreaming in a meantime..haha..)
Me: Oh..Your Majesty..Cheers..(what a crap..)
President: Cheers..well..well..well..is this Cappuccino or Latte???
Me: Oh..Your Majesty..its Capuccino add with less sugar and more cream..
President: Well..what a good taste..
Me: *ahem*..*ahem*..*ahem*..*Yuck..Cappuccino with less sugar and more cream a good taste???* *bad taste man you~*
- Sorry, I have no idea what am I crapping..I guess the end..*slap..slap*..wake up lar..-
2.) Coming Saturday gonna watch Ice age 3..I'm the late comers..I know..who cares???
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009 7:18:00 PM
~Can I have lemon cheese cake???~..I miss the good old days..*sigh*.."甜酸苦辣" instead of "酸甜苦辣"? I really don't know~

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Saturday, July 18, 2009 2:16:00 AM
The Little Nyonya
I've been watching this Singapore's drama-The Little Nyonya(小娘惹) recently, this drama is a 34-episode drama serial which debuted on 25 November 2008 in Singapore *and now only I watch it..outdate hor..haha..*
Well, the story begins from the 1930s, spanning over 70 years till modern day. This drama was taken in Penang and Malacca as a part of the series..and is all about the "Peranakan family"
Here I'm gonna tell a little about "Peranakan" :
-Peranakan or named as Baba-Nyonya are terms used for the descendants of late 18th century chinese immigrants to the Nusantara region during the Colonial era. It applies especially to the ethnic Chinese populations of the British Straits Settlements of Malaya and the Dutch-controlled island of Java and other locations, who have adopted partially or in full Malay customs to be somewhat assimilated into the local communities.- *ahem..ahem..this phrase I adopted from Wikipedia la..and I get to their cultures more..not bad right??? hey..is really really interesting..*
Lastly, what I can said is "Best show ever!!!!" Guys, must catch up soon~~and I definetely gonna continue this drama tomorrow..woohoo~~Good night everyone..

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:06:00 PM
...I m not that heartless..*change*
...I really need to blog about this..before I start..inform first ya..this is an informal post..cos I’m very anger now..ok..fine I admit I’m a devil..who cares???
Ok..let me start now..
Wah..that fella hor..EXCUSE ME la..if you emo+ing that’s your own problem and why wanna bring towards us??? I mean show us those full=fool of angel, killer, muka masam berkulat face..EXCUSE ME AGAIN..please la..at least if you wanna show out your anger or whatever killer expression..go home and release out la..you can knock your head, screw your hand+leg..stappler your mouth or whatever..BUT NEVER EVER show in front of us ma..you think wah..you very scary me ah..your head la..
Ya right..I very scared of you horrrr..OMG..very scare errrr..”
The incident was like this:
The day before, after our mid term test over..this was the reaction he gave us..
I asked him la..you know since I’m not that cluesses person..
Me: Ei, how the test?
Him: …( Never answer, he just take..I should said “SNATCH” his notes in front our eyes and bang a bit..and walk away..eh..no no I should also said “rolled” away..showing the anger face expression somemore..like termakan cili padi or wanna bunuh animal in the zoo..)
Me: (look at my friend who is his gf..and I am like stunt..)
Hello, EXCUSE ME AGAIN..ei..please la..you are a guy leh..show this kinda of nuts+farted face expression/reaction..Don’t you think is childish..
If you desire so much to show this kinda of expression..Yeap..sure you can go ahead..WHY NOT??? But EXCUSE ME AGAIN not in front of me lo..at least you can kutuk=say thousand miles bad things behind me..or show me those farted expression behind me la..I don’t mind at all..but never ever show this kinda of reaction in front of people ma..is too bad and too late..You mess up with me=you mess up with the wrong queen..Yeah sure, you are welcome to mess up with me..I din’t said NO..so whether he read this blog or not..what I can said is “I don’t give a damn..who cares.???..UHUH”..
(P/S: Never ever bring EMO guts of feeling towards your friends..)
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Monday, July 13, 2009 12:43:00 AM
Here a restaurant-Restaurant HCN..I would like to recommend..
If you pass-by Taman Melawati (near to zoo negara like what I always tell eveyone..)..Yeap..here an awesome restaurant where I can stand upon myself to "mengesyorkan" to u..what am I crapping??? Haha..okok..seriously la..food considered nice..price affordable too..so why wanna crack yourself to think of where to have a dinner tonight???..Just come here la..and why wanna spend more for a dinner??? Make it short and simple..Come here lo..duhh..you want me say how many time??? sorry emo again today..haha..
Oya..bout the zoo negara thingy..when someone ask me where you stay at?
Here the conversation between me and the "someone":
Someone/the fella: Where you stay?
Me: Taman Melawati..neh..near zoo negara there..(cos zoo negara more familiar to them/those fella)
Someone/the fella: Har..you stay in zoo negara???
(what a crap..hello..I mean near to zoo negara la..stupid ass..the fella no brain to think meh..deaf meh..balik korek telinga la..)
Me: Nola..I mean near to zoo negara..you know where?? (try to answer & act patiently)
Someone/ the fella: I know..I thought you stay in zoo negara..haha..
( *sweat* Hello..stupid fella..very funny meh???Since you ady know where I stay then what with the "zoo negara"..really no brain la..)
Thats what we explain where is Taman Melawati to someone/the fella..sorry again the emo me..
53100 Taman Melawati,
Kuala Lumpur.
Here the random yummy food I gonna show:
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Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:51:00 AM
Its Sunday..is kinda a relax day to me..and yet I feel bored..there I busy google the means/definition of sunday..lame right??? Ok..here they define-sunday..Sunday is the first day of the week, consecrated among Christians to rest from secular employments, and to religious worship; the Christian Sabbath; the Lord's Day.
Good job..you've learnt a new words today..*sweat*..
*Bell ring*..the end of our lesson today..:p
The blog's model for today...deng deng deng..Welcome Baby lukas~~

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12:07:00 AM
Healthy Brunch
Hey hey hey..here I am with the new layout..how was it??? Not bad huh..yellowish..yaw..I love yellow..at least it doen't looks dull..cheers everyone..hope you like it..
This is what I took for my brunch today..a healthy one..try on it someday..haha..
A banana a day, keep the diarrhoea problem away..toilet flush also no worry+easier ma..what a crap
Finally, an apple a day, keep you smile all the day~~*sweat*
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Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:32:00 AM
As I promise myself that day to do a shopping again..yeap..here I went again SHOPPING..OMG..I cannot controll myself..going nuts soon..there I am wif these I bought..Not going to acknowledge the price..haha..*its secretitive*..fa la la..
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Friday, July 10, 2009 11:44:00 PM
Here am trying the photoshop software..is kinda nice when I getting to know them now this day..haha..1st time I'm using photoshop to edit my pictures..kinda weird..
Anyway I found out this filter--->liquidify function..can make ur face shaper, lemak all hapus..bla bla bla..not bad..
Here the result:

(P/S: I still prefer the origin one..so say NO to photoshop ever..what a crap..)
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009 4:18:00 PM
Please help me to complete our survey..I want to graduate..peace out yaw!!!
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Monday, July 6, 2009 10:58:00 PM
VEG FISH FARM Thai Restaurant
Okayy..lets talk about today..OMG!!! again this is the 2nd time I headed to Hulu Langat..cos we’re going for the best Thai food ever..muahaha..*yummy, whisky & Hawaii*
Well..well..well..today I managed to show all the nice food pictures..so be prepared..*Prepare wut??? Prepare a roll of tissue la*..before your saliva dropping over your beloved keyboard..haha..I know I’m getting nuts all this days..
Before you scroll down..I would like to share a bit bit..I got a new nickname..ORGANIC CHOI..haha..try to translate into Cantonese..which means organic vege..what a crap..anyway..thanks to my friends..I love this name very much..muahaha..Organic Choi Pui Yee..what a beautiful name EVER..
KM 4, Jalan Ampang,
Hulu Langat, 68000 Ampang Selangor.
Tel: 017-2515235 or 019-2606483
A joker picture per day keep the phsyco doctor far away~~
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Sunday, July 5, 2009 11:57:00 PM
Durian lover~
Argh..I need to blog bout this..I just ate 5 biji durian..yeap..am durian lover..especially when i smell it..and i gonna eat it..but must depends on what type of durian is it la..dunno la..my dad bought from kampung and he said is D24..wah..D24..then I mai faster grab and telan all la..yummy..and I can smell durian all over me..especially hand la..cos no matter how many times you wash ur hand..still got the smell..I just love that kind of smell..it smell good..
Arghhh..eat durian at the same time watching my favourite show..syok sekali..enjoy sekali lahh..
Alright, is time to bed now..wif the D24 durian smell together..I hope I can dream myself holding Nikon D60 but not Durian D24..or instead both??? LOL..I'm gonna crazy and I feel sorry..hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..selamat malam..alhamdulilah..
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11:24:00 AM
Mega sales is around..and we gonna be crazy and nuts..hahaha..yup..shopping day..muahaha..Girls love shopping..so I do love shopping too..argh..I planning to shop again..maybe around next week..I wanna buy somemore..ARGHHH...Help me!!!
Me and the sexiest girl, lizzie..I love you!!!
I looking forward again..I m so enjoyed..