Anything to comment??? :
Sunday, July 26, 2009 1:14:00 AM
Fa la la~
Exhausted..Extreamly tired..lets make it short and simple AGAIN~~
Went for the Ice age 3 movie today..but quite dissapointed la..since is a comedy movie and lots of my fds saying that very funny bla bla bla..fa la la..but I don't think so..rated so-so only la..maybe I put too high expectation on it..haha..too bad~
As usual..after movie session, lunch in Pavillion, walk around, tea time, then headed to Genting Kelang for a steamboat gathering with TA friends..(no picture for steamboat session cos everyone was sweating like hell that time..refuse to take picture..exspecially me..I look sucks in photos..rain heavily on my forehead+oily face..and I got no idea why..*sweat*)

And this listed in menu as "Cinderella"..it taste like ice blended sour plum..*yuck*..its freaky sour..rate: 6/10
Me and Chui Theng (one of my TA friend)..funny + talkactive girl..I tak boleh tahan her sometime..*hanging white flag*
Tea time at J'Co..their ice blended chocolate quite nice..