Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:11:00 PM
Restaurant Port Seafood Village-Klang
Hi..hi..hi..hello hello hello..hey hey hey..I'm back from study vacation..hooray..having a short semester break now..
Ok..I would like to blog these today.."Restaurant Port Village" (not pork conflict..peace out yaw~) where I went for a dinner with family and relatives the other day..considered a past post because only today I get all those photos from my cousin-future professional photograher I should said..*ahem can see from those photos he took la..*
Alright..Be prepare everyone? Come on take a huge breath first..*hmmmphhh* there we go~
Here the delicious food photos coming..tada~

Ei..ei..eii.., I'm sorry..thats proof that I've been there..what a crap!!! *ah heng, I like this photo leh..nice view..nice big ass too..wakakaka*

Dunno what spesies of fish..anyway it still a what the fish??? wtf???

I like this..absolutely nice I can something like glass noodle noodle is not beehon..beehon is not glass noodle..what am I trying to say??? And I got no idea~what a crap???What a
CRAB?? What A
CRAB??? What A crap??? What a crap???
CRAB..saliva favourite..yum yum..yum..

What A
CRAb? is Kam Heong flavour crab..what a crap???

OMG..What a
CRAB??? no idea..taste like sweet and sour..what a crap..FML..

What a CRAP??? Hey a CRAB..a strong garlic smell..yum yum yum..sheng~

What the CRAB?? Hey you..again..this is not a something like fried otak otak..I like this too..deliciousssssssss..

Restaurant Port Village
Lms-A-12800 Tanjung Harapan 42000 Port Klang Selangor