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Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:47:00 AM
Cuties Pet Fair @ One U
Yesterday went to this Cuties Pet Fair at One Utama central park..
brought Lucas baby along and he was quite excited that day..on the way to One U, he like non-stop moving here and there..scream like gosh!
Luckily I'm an expert driver..in between 30 minutes already reach there..and thank god nothing happened while on our way..haha..
Lots of pets lover bringing their furries along that day..saw Golden Retriever and Siberian Husky that day..OMG they are damn cool and gorgeous..
I saw an expert swimmer doggie..not sure is he or she..and is a Jack Russel..Oh myyyyy..he can swim very well..He is cool..hmm..I was wondering if Lucas can swim like him too..haha..
Walking around and there were a lot of booth available there..so we stop by one by one booth..testing their biscuit and tidbits..ei ei..not me test la..is Lucas..haha..and Lucas got a lot of FREE GIFT too..Happy go lucky him..

Then after that, went to Desa Park City -The waterfront..and you know what..Lucas found his girlfriend there..is a white Pomeranian..a glamorous doggie..but too bad she is too small for Lucas la..Lucas I'm feel sad for you..haha..nvm jie jie know you'll find your beloved one day..lol..
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Friday, November 20, 2009 12:17:00 AM
Keep it up little sis!
UPSR result just released today..and my youngest sis get flying colours for her exam..
Definitely my parents are happy for her..Good job sis!!! Keep it up as always.. Jie Jie will bring you eat "hou ye" on coming sat..muakss..muakss..muakss..
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Monday, November 16, 2009 11:10:00 PM
Restaurant Bu Yi Bao - 补一宝美食之家 @ Kepong
Sunday went for a movie -2012 at Pavillion with my dad and sis..hmm..the movie is just so so..not actually what I've expected..even my dad also took a nap inside the cinema while watching movie..haha..wasted la..2 hours 40 minutes is quite long hour to go for a movie..normally I won't rush for washroom during movie halfway, but this time I broke the record went for washroom finally..argh~~~
I am expert paparazzi..hehe..took this during our lunch time in Pavillion..my dad busy sms with his girlfriend..muahahaha..

Ok the main point here is..we manage to visit this Restaurant Bu Yi Bao - 补一宝美食之家 which situated in Kepong for dinner..
Choy sam Vege

Restaurant Bu Yi Bao - 补一宝美食之家
12G & 14G, Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 2,
Taman Usahawan Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan 52100
Tel: 03-6257 7827
Wilayah Persekutuan 52100
Tel: 03-6257 7827
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1:18:00 AM
The Cave @ SS2, Petaling Jaya

Finally, I've visited this awesome dining place at SS2-The Cave..thanks for my dearest driver and tour guide - Joanne and Vinci..have a wonderful night with you girls that night!!!
This authentic restaurant has a romantic atmosphere for two especially with their skillful handmade underground cave definetely giving you a surprise of creative artistic design from ancient stone age. Besides a place for chit-chat also a place for the couple having their "private dining" time between..*ahem*..This is because each cave is equipped with a table bell for diners to summon the waiters for orders and bills. Its really efficient and effective.
That night I was attracted by the 2 guys guitar performance, they sing at the same time playing wif their guitar..seriously their performance "ichiban"..nothing else I can said more..nice, lovely, comfortable that moment at the same time listening to their performance..hmm..I was wondering if there is violin and piano can play at the same time, that will be more prefect ever..hehe..

My opinion towards this restaurant..their environment and the interior design is really awesome..once you get in you will feel the relaxing and free from stresses from work ..highly recommend for sweet couple especially during valentine day it will be extremly full of romance..while, their food is good but came in small portion..overall..still can considered for second visit la..:)
Have a nice weekend guys!!!
The Cave Couple Cafe & Restaurant
No 16 & 18), Mezzanine Floor,
Jalan SS2/61,47300 Petaling Jaya,
The Cave Couple Cafe & Restaurant
No 16 & 18), Mezzanine Floor,
Jalan SS2/61,47300 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
For reservation, call this number--->03-78739888/9698
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Friday, November 13, 2009 1:01:00 PM
Restaurant Fong Lye - The Garden
Random Photos of Fong Lye restaurant foodies..
their food come in big portion..while we ordered set meal that day..
As usual photos session..hehehe..
The end ..:P
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Monday, November 2, 2009 9:50:00 AM
Dear Komoko mak
I'm here to wish you Happy birthday!!! Eventhough I can't celebrate wif you but I think there will be a special person gonna do it for me..cheh..cheh..perasannya me~
Hope you gonna have a joyful and greatest birthday today!!! Muakss...Love you always~:) 
I have to put this photo..blekkss..Happy birthday again!!!
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Sunday, November 1, 2009 2:41:00 PM
Random Sh00t~
Random Me..there we go..
After One U then headed to The curve..
On the way to the curve..my car kena scratch by "sand"..stupid high lompak sand..cos I'm too smart that day..
Argh..lazy to write la..no mood..Happy belated Halloween..
I guess enough for today..ciaoz~
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2:16:00 PM
心理超不平衡.. 心情超不平衡..七上八下..为什么? 到底我在搞什么鬼???
arghh..I don't care anymore...*^%$