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Sunday, July 24, 2011 7:38:00 PM

Suprise myself, after 5 months dissapeared..i'm here to peeps..haha..

A powerful song to share today..by Adele - Rolling in the Deeps..currently my favouritesss..I've been listening this song whole day..guess how many round ? -Clue..>10 times..cool right~
Go Go Go..listen to this awesome song..

Sunday, February 6, 2011 1:04:00 PM
Happy Rabbit Year 2011

Here again the chinese new year arrived..time really flies..
But no matter how, I still manage to take some time to update my blog once a while..hehe..
So in this coming new rabbit year, I wish all my loves fellow and myself..stay healthy, wealthy and happily..
Gong Xi Fa Chai..and all the best this rabbit year~

Best Regards,

Choi Pui Yee

Sunday, September 26, 2010 4:37:00 PM


Monday, September 20, 2010 10:36:00 PM
Randomly back~

look look and see see..
hi and bye..
will be back again soon~~hahaha
and thts recent me~:P

Monday, May 3, 2010 9:50:00 PM
I'm back again~

Hey hey you you..here am I..I can't promise for how long I will be update my next post..but as I promise I'll make sure there gonna be a new post at least once month..thats pretty cool right..begging begging as always..haha..

I just need more time to update on this blog..been busy and hectic this few weeks..as you know it is audit peak period right now..I hope I can run through this period with my fully utilised stamina..god just give some strong power..haha..

Alright, just a little update about myself..attach along with the photo below..thats my friendly collugues..helpful, warm heart, hardworking, patiently (especially when teaching and coaching me in the audit procedure..you know la..I'm a bit of slow motion..one step slower than the others..:P)

I think thats enough for today..and tomorrow gonna be a long day to me..AGAIN..argh..and I'm waiting for "the day" to arive!!! woot~

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 11:50:00 PM
Tiger Roar Year!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone..
Back to Kampung last few days..
normal CNY celebration..nothing special..for me CNY gonna be a big relax rest day..haha..and then back to peak period for coming monday..huh..I hate it!!!
Here some photos to share with which I grab from my cousin..muahaha..and coming saturday gonna visit Joanne home in Nilai..gonna stay overnight there..ang pow besar besar mari..muahaha..and Thanks Joanne's mom..hehe..:p
OOO..this I need to mention..I kinda proud with this photo..cos is taken by ME..:?
And this is my favourite foodies during these CNY..yummy yummy..is Hakka pork dish~
My son must exactly look like him..cuteeeeee...and He is my cousin..*cubit cubit*
Small kids gambling..Mata Mari!!!
Attention..18SG..adult activities..no contoh contohi~
Lucas also celebrate CNY..haha..can spot his new shirt??? REDISH!!! cun giler!

Alright..everyone HUAT AR~
off to bed now..tomorrow watch movie wif my XXX..

Thursday, February 4, 2010 11:49:00 PM
For your sake~

"English K-session" thats what my firm will go through every morning before we start our job..it is actually a talk or something we can share by using English..And basically the reason for this session is to improve our communication skill as well as our language skill..so that it will train and coach us when we meet up with client..
Well, I personally think that this is a best way to train myself to become bravely and more confident to talk to the audience..ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!

And I've talked twice times..Of Course the first topic that I share with is definitely BLOGGING..I promote the advantages of blogging and bla bla..hmm..is quite nervous the first time to talk in front of everyone..but I believe myself I'm doing well on that day..haha..*hidung bertinggi sampai berdarah*

Well, the 2nd topic I share with is about "Sleep Disorder", alright I admit that I really put a great effort on searching this topic..and finally here I get to know more about the sleep disorder..muahaha

Let me share it in this post,
Sleep disorder which also mean as sleep problem..and sleep disorder is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person. Some sleep disorder are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning. There are a few symptoms sleep disorder which include have a difficulty in concentrating, feel like taking a nap almost every day, feel sleepy during the day, require caffeinated beverages to keep yourself going on and have emotional outburst. The 5 common sleep disorders are physical insomnia which means have difficulty in falling asleep or maintaining sleep, bruxism which means grinding or clenching with the teeth while sleeping, night terror which means abrupt awakening from sleep with the behaviour consistent with terror, hypopnea syndrome which means have shallow breathing or slow respiratory rate and this might be cause of snor loudly or heavily during their sleep and the last one will be sleepwalking which means perform activities during their sleep rate which include walking to the bathroom, cleaning or some even hardzardous as cooking or drving. The egeneral treatment for these sleep disorder include self behavioural treatment like improve your sleep hygiene and relaxion, rehabilitation which is lifestyle changes like take more nutrisional food, medication-sleep medicine or seeing a doctor an dother somatic treatment like counseling or consulting.
Alright, I think I need to sleep now..I'll stop at here..and have a good night sleep there!!! bai bai~ above photo is me and my cute little son*ahem*..I couldn't find a picture of myself with sleeping posture so here I something related..hahaha..lalalallalala~you do, I do..PEACE OUT YAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1