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Tuesday, February 3, 2009 10:27:00 PM
Secondary Old Friends Gathering~
Hmm..yesterday went for a reunion gathering..Since everyone came back to KL for CNY celebration so we planned to meet each others..Huh..kinda miss those days..Lets make it short and simple..
Took dinner in Jusco setiawangsa-Wendys..kinda enjoyed that moment cause it's been a long time we rarely meet up..chit-chatting, giggling, mengumpat each other..haha..just imagine we are the noisiest around there..make fun of each other..bla bla bla..
After the end of our reunion gathering, stop for next station - Oldtown White Coffee..with two others friends..haha..that the moment of "girls talk" la..shh..shh..I'm sorry can't share with you guys..lalala..Anyway looking forward again to have those kind of gathering soon~~take care everyone..^.^
P/S: Some photos we rarely took..just view it..