Anything to comment??? :
Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:49:00 PM
Sushi King Member day..
Sushi king member day is here again…and today is the last day of it..so definitely ME=the sushi big fans will take this opportunity “TELAN” all la..duhh..RM2 only..so the cheap..what a crap??? Well, as usual..for sure there are crowded everywhere..after waiting for 20 minutes..yeap..finally we can enjoy it!!!
Lazy to write so detail la..Just take a look our photos..hehe..
Puiyee said: " Lizzie you are so the SUSHI=Sexy"..:p
For sure..you guys miss him so much..yeah..he is randomly blog's model..finally I fire him..eh..eh..is hire..hehe..

And lastly, this is what we have ate..bow wow wow!!!