Anything to comment??? :
Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:05:00 PM
I love exam~~
This is what I search from google-How to prepare for an exam??? I already summarize it..hehe..
1. Attend every lecture. (Duhh..what do you think??)
2. Take good notes during the lecture.
3. Every day before lecture class, review the material for 15-20 minutes.
4. Spend another 20-30 minutes after lecture class going through over the notes.
5. Once a week, review the material/notes in order to get a more complete overview of the information.
6. Literally plan out how many hours you will spend each day studying until the exam. Make a schedule and stick with it.
7. Work with others (group study), go to review sessions, seek for your tutor/lecturer/professor if confuse while doing revision. This is important to make sure that everything is clearly understood as it is crucial during an examination.
8. Never study the last minutes. (This is what I did always..most probably you guys too..haha)
9. Get enough sleep before the exam day. (what??? How to get enough sleep..I should burn midnight oil instead of get enough sleep over there..)
What a crap??? Oh..I wanna add on something to the above..
10. Drink "BRAND'S CHICKEN ESSENCE" in order to reduce your anxiety, improve your mental power and boots energy..this is what I saw in TV advertisement..hehe..which I think probably it will helpful during preparation of exam..especially for those who facing short-term memory to memorize for the exam..haha..Can click on this-->Effects of chicken extract-BRAND'S on the recovery from fatigue caused by mental workload
BRAND'S chicken essence..What a crap..haha..10. Drink "BRAND'S CHICKEN ESSENCE" in order to reduce your anxiety, improve your mental power and boots energy..this is what I saw in TV advertisement..hehe..which I think probably it will helpful during preparation of exam..especially for those who facing short-term memory to memorize for the exam..haha..Can click on this-->Effects of chicken extract-BRAND'S on the recovery from fatigue caused by mental workload