Thursday, April 23, 2009 2:23:00 PM
Death Lizard found..
Gosh..death lizard found in my house..and it's already dried up..pity lizard..aikss..come check it out how I found it..
Once upon a time..haha..what a crap..alright because of this window..When I wanted to close this..
And suddenly it came down from here.."piak"..scary me..I thought what happened with this window..then I saw something dropped ..
That it is..the pity lizard..which already dried up..can see its bone too..huh..I think its already dead for many days..dunno who is the murder of it.."a giant-killer" geliiiiinyaaaa...*goose bumps..argh..*
Rest in peace..little lizard..(throw it to dustbin)..duhh..haha..very the goose bumps..