Anything to comment??? :
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 2:46:00 PM
Motosikal 2.0 version..
I love this show Motosikal 2.0 version very much..especially the host for this show Danny boy..Haha..he is so funny..I like the way he act, the way he host,the outgoing of him..he is really cute and adorable..what a crap..I'm extremly enjoy to watch it..definetely I will catch up this show every Sunday at 6pm, Astro AEC..Oh ya..I like this weekly highlight which is on 10 Jan 2009 weekly highlight..it gave me a good impression on this show..just like it..haha..alright I'm waiting for this week highlight again..cheers my idol..
Take a look for the below photos, I adopted from his blog..haha..:p

I like this week highlight..a tradisional mak cik..using her nose to blow the "seruling"..she is cool.. 

See..see..see..OMG..he is so cute..muahaha..

Ok..thats enough for the picture of him..stay tune for his show..
Now my photo session..ok..see this picture scary hor..duhhh..