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Friday, April 24, 2009 3:00:00 PM
Webcam Fraud..
Okay..today it will be the last post/update before my exam..after my molek friend Lizzie complaning that I supposed to study instead of "what a crap" here and there..
Alright..today I would like to blog about the webcam fraud..hmm..or maybe I should say the barriers of webcam..haha..
Look at those photos below: (take a big breath before look into it)
See this is what I get it through webcaming with my dear friend..posing peace somemore..after playing with the wig..what a crap..
And here come the best in Melawati..some even said in Batam, JB..what a crap..

See..see..see..this is what we called FRAUD/BARRIER of webcam..1st picture kena spotted by my dear Lizzie..OMG..kena spy..only know when she send this picture to me..muahaha..I love this of me..and well..the 2nd picture..received from my cousin Kuan Hing, who saying that his girlfriend picture..and only noticed that how come my picture above almost same as the one my cousin send me(just the only different is mine is right handed and his girlfriend is left handed..what a crap..haha)..so I decided to "share" with you guys..OMG..what a funny one..see..see..see..is danger to use webcam..
(P/S: I tak boleh tahan when post this blog..haha..very the funny..stomachache now..keep on giggling..stop that puiyee..)
Ok..to declare on something..I need to disclose me=myself..ignore the above picture..muahaha..another self-entertainment..
This is the real MEE~~The end..see you after a while..